Why I Still Use Wet Wipes?

Firstly, what are they?
Generally, a wet wipe looks like a normal tissue however it is infused with some liquid that is used for cleaning purposes. Many water companies have associated them to sewer blockages. This is because they do not break down when flushed down the toilet.
However, I feel it is a necessity to always carry a pack in my bag every day. Here are 4 reasons why wet wipes are essential;

Sanitization and Hygiene
The spread of germs that cause sickness and ailments are more thus require us to pay more attention to our hygiene. Hygiene is not limited to bathing at least once a day.

With a busy lifestyle, wet wipes are a convenient sanitization every day and keeping germs away.

They come in a friend and compact size which can fit in a bag/ purse. they can be packed for a travel, office or even used at home.

Gentle and Soft

Wet wipes offer complete sanitization; they gentle and soft on the skin, they clean out the dirt or germs and also the liquid on fiber dries up fast leaving your hands soft, clean and healthy.


For Babies
There are specific wet wipes that have been approved as baby care products. they are used for wiping the baby’s bottom more while changing the diapers; leaving them fresh, clean and soft.

I have been buying various brands of wet wipes. I use wet wipes on my hands, face even as a make remover and before and after meals. Wet wipes are not only for babies but for everyone. For your next grocery shopping, pick up a pack of wet wipes for yourself and family.

While buying wet wipes, be on the look for quality products. This is because low-quality products are available on the shelves which in turn may cause rashes and skin irritation especially for those with sensitive skin and also babies.

You may share your reservations on the use of wet wipes in the comment section.





Mental Health

While living a healthier lifestyle, food and exercise have a role to play. Most people ignore the importance of mental health. In this posts, I shall be shedding light on what mental health entails, importances and tips on have been healthy mentally.

What is mental health?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.

Mental health includes our emotional, social and psychological well being. mental health problems occur as a result of imbalances in the either emotional, social and psychological well being. in the incident of a headache, we are quick to a pain killer without taking a deep thought of the why. At times, a headache is a symptom as opposed to it being the real problem. for example, having an abrupt headache can be associated with a hit on the head or prolonged stress. the later touches on mental health.

Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Problems

  • Racing heart beat
  • Lack of motivation
  • Feeling really down
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Unable to sleep or insomnia
  • Difficult breathing
  • Over worrying
  • Racing thoughts *at times irrelevant

In addition to other health issues, mental health needs to be aired more than it does. people should also be aware of Stigma against mental health problems and stop the stigmatization.
Mental health is just as important as physical health.


[1] World Health Organization. Definition of mental health.  http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/mental_health/en/


Your Ultimate Guide to Running

Running is one of the simplest exercises known to man. In comparison to non-runners, runners are more likely to extend their life expectancy. Whether you are a starter or a regular runner, you stand to reap from running benefits such as a healthier and longer life and clearing your mind. Running can also give you great results without having to subscribe to your local gym.

Being on the running track, you need to take caution at all times. Here are tips that

  • Walk before the run

Walking enables you to warm and get ready for the run. Walking lowers the risk of injuries as the body especially the joints are being prepared for an activity. Consistent walking and increase in speed

  • Book it

Just like any other activity, it is great to book your running time on your calendar. This helps you be more organized and block your calendar. Follow a training schedule and plan out your runs/jogs.

  • Days off

Your body needs a day or two to rest and re-energize. The ‘rest days’ enable you to recover from the cramps. On your rest days, you can be lightly active through walks or take a swim.

  • Gear up

The right gear ensures that your body assets are free from injuries. Get to a sports store and get yourself a proper pair of running shoes. You may seek advice from store personnel, however, be cautious as some of them may persuade you to purchase unfit running shoes. For ladies, a properly fitting sports bra is handing while running to keep the babies from bouncing and disrupting your running.

  • Take a breath of life

As you run, remember to always take a breath. Should you feel short of breath, slow down and a take breath. BUT do not abruptly stop, this will be like shutting down your body at once. Breath to relax and refill your energy box.

Speak your mind in our comments section.

Tips on How to Drink More Water

It is important for us to take in water, however, we forget to do so or just do not like doing it. Drink water regular may be boring especially since it is tasteless or just tiresome because of the numerous bathroom trips. Also, inadequate water intake is hazardous to our health since we get dehydrated which could result in headaches, confusion, and dizziness.  To avoid these symptoms and bad moments, here are top tips on how to drink water more regularly and not forgetting to do so.

Make it accessible.

The first rule of turning something into a habit – make it easy to do. In order to drink more water, have some. In this case, you may have your water in a bottle or a glass or a mason jar on your desk always at hand and you’ll drink more naturally.

Add flavor

The easiest way to get yourself to drink more water is to make it taste good. It especially helps if you are trying to transition from sweet soft drinks into drinking something that has no taste whatsoever making it all that harder to get used to. You can use any flavor you like, make cucumber or lemon water. Try as much as possible to keep away from any sweet additives.

Add a straw

Do not love milkshakes? I do. Other than the taste, I love milkshakes since the have straws which makes them easier to sip. I tried adding a straw to my water glass and I found that I sipped more water than before. You too, can it this technique and see the change. Be sure to share your different experience with others.

Techie Water

Tracking your water intake will help you be accountable for how much water you take and more that you need to take. This can be through daily or frequent reminders on your phone through alarms or computer reminders. You may also consider mobile based applications, I use the Water Drinking Reminder for the Android users and Daily Water Free for the IOS users.

Get your eight glasses of water and enjoy the benefits.





Top 5 Benefits of Yoga

In pursuit of living a healthy lifestyle, there more to it than just food. With the international yoga day just around the corner, let’s talk about the contributions of yoga to your healthy well-being. Mine too.

The main aim of the international yoga day is to create or raise awareness of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Yoga is said to unify the body and the soul.
1. Builds Strength
Yoga involves you being a still posture for a certain period of time. Over time, it helps the body build strength on certain muscles.
2. Reduce stress levels
The breathing techniques involved in yoga, help in releasing body stress and tension in the body.
3. Improve flexibility
In addition to building muscle strength, yoga also helps with body flexibility. as the body changes into various position, the joints become more flexibility with no pressures applied.
4. Keeps your weight in check
This is dependent on the type and intensity level of level. The higher the intensity level, the higher your heartbeat and more calories you burn.
5. Mental wellness
Regular yoga enables you to be calmer, have a clear mind. It also relaxes the mind and improves your concentration span.

If you are pregnant or have any complications such as heart issues or diabetes, consult with your health physician and your instructor as well. This way you avoid extra damage to your vital body organs.





To The Dads

Father’s day is a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating fatherhood. The day is dated from way back in the 1980s and since then it’s commemorated by over 40 countries. Father’s day os held on the 3rd Sunday of June in most countries. This day also complements the Mother’s day.
Many people take the initiative to pamper their fathers’ and grandfathers by sending gift cards among other gifts.

For any Father’s day gift ideas, click here

Wishing all the dads in the world, including mine, Happy Fathers’ day.



Top 8 Benefits of Walking For Older People

As we get older, we become more prone to chronic illness such as heart diseases. Doctors recommend physical activities to older adults to ensure that they reduce heart disease symptoms. They also further explain that regular physical activity is medicine to older adults with heart diseases symptoms.

Physical exercise such as walking improves the quality of life for older adults especially those that have undergone cardiac events such as heart attack or stroke. Walking is a beneficial form of exercise for older people. Here are the various ways in which walking can help.

  • With a walking partner, walking improves social life as they have
  • Strengthen your muscles through improving balance and joint flexibility
  • Help keep your weight steady
  • Lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, colon cancer and diabetes
  • With flexible joint, it reduces the risk of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
  • Reduces the likelihood of falls.
  • It helps boost confidence and energy levels
  • Help reduce blood pressure in some people with hypertension

Encourage grandma or and grandpa on a short walk and socialize.

Image Source



A Dose of Goodness

Anything that anyone can do, I can do it too.

Nothing in this world is impossible. You are beyond the impossible. What has been done earlier, can be done better. There is always room for improvement. Look at the evolution of the electric bulb and other innovations done in the 19th century and even the 18th century. People have improved on them and change the world. That which has not been done is waiting to be done or discover by someone else. Why not do it yourself? Take the leap of faith and do it.
What is hindering you from your success is you. Every is an opportunity but what makes the difference is what you get or make of it.

Reach out and Grasp the opportunity.



Your Healthy Hair in the Kitchen

Once in a while, we encounter hair loss which can be frustrating. Hair loss can be attributed to the lack of vitamins or physical stress on the hair. It may also result from damage that can be caused by heat, sun, cold or overload of chemicals.

You love avocado on your spreads, salads and generally food. This fruit is high in vitamins B and E. These vitamins are good for your hair. Vitamin B is essential for hair growth because it stimulates the hair follicles; while Vitamin E is essential for scalp repair and rejuvenation.  The fruit also has a natural oil that will ensure that your hair is less dry.

With these benefits, here are 2 homemade remedies that you can use to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair.

Avocado Conditioner


  • 1 chopped avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  1. Using a spoon or fork, mash the avocado.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of water and mix well till you get a paste-like solution
  3. Apply the mixture on already shampooed hair.
  4. Cover your hair with a shower cap on a plastic bag for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse our hair with warm water and style as desired.

Avocado Hair mask


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 chopped avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • Mixing bowl
  1. In the mixing bowl, combine the chopped avocado and egg yolk.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of water and mix well till you get a paste-like solution
  3. Apply the mixture on dry damaged hair and massage into the scalp.
  4. Cover your hair with a shower cap on a plastic bag for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse our hair with warm water and style as desired.

Improve your hair today from your kitchen (tags; healthy, hair, beauty, freshly pressed, home remedy, tips).

Image: Pinterest

6 Reasons to Love Yourself

Loving yourself is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. I know at times it might be hard especially when you are facing challenges and nothing seems to go right. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Here are top six reasons to love yourself:

  1. You are 300% unique. I know I went overboard but you are unique. There is no else who has your smile or your laugh.
  2. Accepting yourself in your impact skin feels great. Self-love enables you to get a feeling of contentment and boost self-acceptance.
  3. You have been blessed with your skin, so wear it comfortably.
  4. Law of attraction is real. If you love yourself, you also attract people who love you as well.
  5. “Hate is too great of a burden to bear,” Martin Luther King, Jr. said. Lighten up and love you all the way.
  6. People come in and out of your life, and what are you left with? YOU. Coping alone is best with self –love.

It’s not a requirement that people love you but it is a blessing if they do. Everything springs from self-love.

Love x Love,
