Dose of Goodness

Hello Everyone,

It is a new month and I am excited. I hope you too are excited about the new month. I am more excited because Christmas is just around the corner. Also am glad that October is over.

Not everyone is happy that it’s a new month but take heart and cheer up. There are things that you may control such as your emotions and there are those that are beyond you like the weather.  Focus on what you can control. Start the new month with a good mood and motivation and you will evidently see how this changes your inner peace and productivity.

Happy new month all.






A Dose of Goodness

20% off

What you choose to do life is all dependent on your goals and means to achieve them. With the right choice of methods and goals, yields the right results. On the other hand, wring choice of techniques leads to wrong results.  All things that we do is directly or indirectly affect the goals we set. This implies that we are responsible for our own progress.

In line with being responsible for the excuses and lots of complaints. This basically shows that when you fall short of realizing your set objectives, most likely you begin to blame others. The excuses and complaints are as a result of frustrations of falling short of achieving your objectives. Playing the blame game does not resolve frustrations associated with failure or shortcoming.

Complaints and excuses move you backward but suggestions push you forward. Stop making more excuses than you give suggestions. You are your worst enemy; Quit complaining and begin moving forward.

Wish you all the best as you set goals and achieve them.

Great day ahead.



A Dose of Goodness

Get out of your own way of success

We all have dreams and aspirations in life, however, there are days that we may not be favoring this. On those, ‘low days’ one may experience negative feelings and emotions or behave contrary to the dreams. It is normal to feel down, which may obscure the process through which we achieve the dreams.

On a race track there may be stones, ideally, you shall skip or avoid the stones so that your running. After passing by these stones, running becomes easy and you will get to the finish line happy and fulfilled. You can all relate to this racing track in your life. In the same, the race track is your life and the stones are the feelings, behaviors. The ‘stones steer you away from or off the track.

Since the ‘stones’ are hindrances; devices methods to either get the stones out of your way or circumnavigate them. This way your pathway is clear and you shall move forward towards achieving your dreams and goals.

Get rid of all negative items, self-destructive behaviors and move toward to your race’s finish line.

Wish you all the best as you set goals and achieve them.

Great day ahead.



A Dose of Goodness

Quotes are interesting words that spark something us both from the author of the quote and audience or individual that reads it. On the blog here, we have had the dose of goodness which has motivated and inspired most of you to live healthier lives.

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass

When you learn to read, your mind is open to inquiry and you open your mind to the world of education. Once you are open to inquiry, you are more inclined to solve societal problems around and thus contribute positively the society. As you succeed in the quest to solve problems the community around you is ranked successful.

Another contribution of this quote is that I  think you tend to be free through education because you will want to know more. I also think that you are free in the education world since you get immersed in that field or content.

Every time I grab a book to read, I find joy as well as freedom. I would love to know what this quote means to you. Share your thoughts on this quote in the comments.

Namaste. Caroline

A Dose of Goodness

Today is a bitter and sweet day; it is the 11th of September and it brings chills to my spine. It has been 16years since the tragic 9/11. On this day the tragic events led to the death of several people both physically, emotionally and mentally. This is the bitter truth concerning this particular day. It is during this time that many have lost property, loved ones and also those that have lost their lovely and caring pets due to the Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. This is heart breaking.

However, there is a sweet thing that emanates from this incident. Instead of crying and moaning of the befallen, let us celebrate the heroes. Those who lost their lives on this fateful day are living as heroes and heroines in our hearts. Let’s come together and honor heroes. Let’s talk about heroes in all of us. Let’s love and be kind to one another.

The bonding as a nation and the entire world after the tragic events of 9/11. This bonding has become the basis of kindness and love for one another. It is not about how hard you fall, but how smart you get up and remain standing. 9/11 is not all about the events that happened in the US but we all have experienced those down moments that may or may not have been similar to this (9/11). let us dust off ourselves and triumph and remain standing. Let us uplift, love and be kind to one another.



A Dose of Goodness

Hello Everyone,


I know it has been a while since we had this amazing column. Good news it that its back.

We all have goals in our lives. Knowing exactly where you want to be and what to get there is half of it. The difference is not that we are wired differently. But what are you doing to achieve your goal?

Lastly, I will end the post with a quote:

“Having an aim is the key to achieving your best.” – Henry J. Kaiser

Fly away to your achieve your goals.



Tips on How to Drink More Water

It is important for us to take in water, however, we forget to do so or just do not like doing it. Drink water regular may be boring especially since it is tasteless or just tiresome because of the numerous bathroom trips. Also, inadequate water intake is hazardous to our health since we get dehydrated which could result in headaches, confusion, and dizziness.  To avoid these symptoms and bad moments, here are top tips on how to drink water more regularly and not forgetting to do so.

Make it accessible.

The first rule of turning something into a habit – make it easy to do. In order to drink more water, have some. In this case, you may have your water in a bottle or a glass or a mason jar on your desk always at hand and you’ll drink more naturally.

Add flavor

The easiest way to get yourself to drink more water is to make it taste good. It especially helps if you are trying to transition from sweet soft drinks into drinking something that has no taste whatsoever making it all that harder to get used to. You can use any flavor you like, make cucumber or lemon water. Try as much as possible to keep away from any sweet additives.

Add a straw

Do not love milkshakes? I do. Other than the taste, I love milkshakes since the have straws which makes them easier to sip. I tried adding a straw to my water glass and I found that I sipped more water than before. You too, can it this technique and see the change. Be sure to share your different experience with others.

Techie Water

Tracking your water intake will help you be accountable for how much water you take and more that you need to take. This can be through daily or frequent reminders on your phone through alarms or computer reminders. You may also consider mobile based applications, I use the Water Drinking Reminder for the Android users and Daily Water Free for the IOS users.

Get your eight glasses of water and enjoy the benefits.





Six months down ✔️ 6 to go

Hello Everyone,
It’s a new month. I am excited to welcome you to the 7th month of the year… half the year is out. Welcome to the second half of the year… the month is still new and young.

Yaay!! to the pretty (hopeful) new month. In the celebration mood, I would like to wish all July babies happy birthday in advance… yes. You will be adding a great year to your life.
This does not mean that I am leaving out everyone else.. No.
You are all special in different ways. I wish you all a half year filled with blessing and I hope that you make great and awesome decisions.

Last but not least. I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has taken the time to follow, comment, like, share and re-blog on my posts. Thank you for being awesome.

Remember to be happy at all times…






A Dose of Goodness

Anything that anyone can do, I can do it too.

Nothing in this world is impossible. You are beyond the impossible. What has been done earlier, can be done better. There is always room for improvement. Look at the evolution of the electric bulb and other innovations done in the 19th century and even the 18th century. People have improved on them and change the world. That which has not been done is waiting to be done or discover by someone else. Why not do it yourself? Take the leap of faith and do it.
What is hindering you from your success is you. Every is an opportunity but what makes the difference is what you get or make of it.

Reach out and Grasp the opportunity.



A Dose of Goodness

In many occasions, things happen against what we expected. Our attitude towards these situation may vary.
Research shows that majority of humans view the negative perspective. this perspective blocks the possibility of us seeing the positive side of the situation. And that is where the problems begin.
Turning the perspective all around is not the easiest. But with patience and focus on the positive perspective, it is possible.
The positive thought will change your perspective of life.

