6 Reasons to Love Yourself

Loving yourself is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. I know at times it might be hard especially when you are facing challenges and nothing seems to go right. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Here are top six reasons to love yourself:

  1. You are 300% unique. I know I went overboard but you are unique. There is no else who has your smile or your laugh.
  2. Accepting yourself in your impact skin feels great. Self-love enables you to get a feeling of contentment and boost self-acceptance.
  3. You have been blessed with your skin, so wear it comfortably.
  4. Law of attraction is real. If you love yourself, you also attract people who love you as well.
  5. “Hate is too great of a burden to bear,” Martin Luther King, Jr. said. Lighten up and love you all the way.
  6. People come in and out of your life, and what are you left with? YOU. Coping alone is best with self –love.

It’s not a requirement that people love you but it is a blessing if they do. Everything springs from self-love.

Love x Love,


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